Women Deserve Better

Every woman is unstoppable after she understands that she deserves better. We want to bring empowerment to our young women, which will rebound into better families and therefor better communities.

Here in PYWA young women can be all they want to be, better opportunities, better education, better information, better choices to grow, to learn, to prepare for life challenges. We transform young women into achievers, changemakers, and leaders.

Women signify Freedom, autonomy, involvement, recognition, respect, dignity, safety, diversity, creativity, discovery, nurturance, reward, protection, appreciation, progress, security, acceptance, opportunities, growth, attention, significance, interactions, connections, liberty, affection, shelter, support, purpose, relationship, participation, collaboration, community.

Women Preparation and Opportunity

Some women seem to get lucky breaks, but do you know what is their secret? It is not a matter of sitting back waiting for fortune to come knocking at your door, you have to do something more to invite it, success and fortune are not just pure luck and nothing more.

People call it “Luck” when PREPARATION and OPPORTUNITY come together. But this is wrong, the opportunity is probably a matter of luck, but even with the opportunity, you need to go and look for it. OPPORTUNITY by itself do not represent success, you need to do something that so many other people don’t do — You need to PREPARE yourself for when the OPPORTUNITY  that will help enhance your life comes to you. Do not just sit and wait and hope; be clear of your purpose, prepare yourself, pursue a goal, and look for every opportunity to achieve it.

When success finds you, it is a planned strategy:  being in the right place at the right time, with the right preparation, it is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of work.

Love yourself… Know yourself

It seems a hard thing for many young women to love themselves, which results in insecurities, shyness, disempower, and the belief of “I can’t do it”.  Understand where you come from? what is your origin? the things that make you – “You”. Your traditional clothing, your hair type, the color of your skin, the shape of your nose, your traditional food, your traditional beliefs, your folklore, your original language, all these details are the things that make you who you are today. This is the source of your power in this world, try to know & embrace them, try to understand the origin and the story behind them, this will give you the power of knowing yourself and will help you to break barriers.

If you know where you came from, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go. This knowledge is the source of your power.

A Message to Young Women from Mogaji Basorun Fajimi’s Wife

We know that you, the new generation of women are being bombarded with so much pressure from the media and your peers, the internet and social media, and what seems to be the accepted beauty standard.

But, let me tell you, young women:

  • You are more powerful than you know. Your power is in your beliefs about yourself, you can be anything that you envision yourself to be. Believe that you can, believe that you are, and your belief will be manifested into a reality. If you can see it, you can get it. Do not get lost, just believe you can do it. And if you just make one small step toward it every day, you will get there. Just have clear goals and work toward it, the doors will open for you.
  • You are beautiful just the way you are. You do not need light skin or skinny body, long hair, or even makeup to be pretty. This is only society standards created by regular people. You are naturally beautiful. You Are already perfect. Be proud and show it off by shining bright with a big smile, hold up your head high, and be confident about who you are.
  • Take Care of Yourself. This may seem like an obvious thing to do, but some women are not their own priority. You need to be strong to be able to take care of others. Sleep well, eat healthily (fresh fruits and vegetables), prefer natural remedies over the legal drugs, exercise, and smile; understand that drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, stress, long night parties, and high sugar consumption can be fun but can reduce your life expectancy and can get you in trouble. Healthy habits and discipline are the best way of taking care of yourself.
  • Do not worry, be happy. Do not let your happiness depend on your outside circumstances, be as happy as you make up your mind to be who you are, happiness is a decision. It may be a “fake it until you make it” proposition. When we intend to be happy, our thoughts and actions follow suit. We actually become happier. The outside circumstances only affect you if you give it permission to do so. Be a good guard of your emotion.
  • Follow your Dreams. You have the freedom to be anything you want to be. Go and study, prepare yourself, have your carrier, read about it, dream about it, pray about it, if you do it all I promise you that the opportunity will get to you and make your dreams a reality because dreams always come true with hard work, persistence, discipline, vision, and faith.

With Love to all of you,

PYWA Life Matron Mrs. Maria Aduke Alabi from Basorun Fajimi House.

Mrs. Maria Aduke Alabi

Help us to help the young women

Your donations go 100% to the programs that help our young women in the community. We are counting on you. Thank you in advance.
